evovi - Leipzig TV-, Medien-, Videoproduktion

evovi - Leipzig TV-, Medien-, Videoproduktion creative director Multi Camera Video Production music video production

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From our results, produced in over 20 years of video production.

"History and architecture of the Cistercian monastery church in Schulpforte: TV report with...

Thomas Schödel (rector Portensis Landesschule Pforta), Romanesque road, interview, Stephanie Exner (graduate restorer), St. Mary and John the Baptist, triumphal cross, Reiner Haseloff (Prime Minister of Saxony-Anhalt) , Portrait, school gate (Kloster Pforta), Cistercian monastery church, grisaille window, TV report, Maik Reichel (2012-2013 procurator of the Schulpforta Foundation)

evovi - Leipzig TV-, Medien-, Videoproduktion - professional recording of events, conferences, concerts, discussions, theater performances at the best price in top quality...
... to publish them on TV, Internet, DVD, BluRay etc.

High standards with limited financial leeway?

This is usually not compatible. evovi - Leipzig TV-, Medien-, Videoproduktion is the exception to the rule. We use cameras of the same type of the latest generation with large 1-inch image sensors. This ensures optimal image quality even in difficult lighting conditions. Added to this are programmable swivel heads, remote control ... this minimizes the personnel effort and significantly reduces costs.

We offer the following services, among others

Multi-camera video production (parallel recording with multiple cameras)

evovi - Leipzig TV-, Medien-, Videoproduktion offers you the multi-camera video recording and production. We use cameras of the same type. Basically, at least 4K/UHD is recorded. The video editing is done using professional software on high-performance computers. evovi - Leipzig TV-, Medien-, Videoproduktion already offers the possibility to produce videos in 8K / UHD-II / UHDTV2 / 4320p.
Video recording of concerts, theater performances and readings ...

For the video recording of concerts, theater performances, readings, etc., we consistently use the multi-camera method. The multi-camera video recording makes it possible to record the different areas of the performance from different perspectives. We use cameras that are remote controlled. The very varied alignment of the cameras takes place from a central point. In this way, 5 or more cameras can be operated by a single person. This saves personnel costs for you.
TV and video reports for radio, streaming and the internet

Through many years of activity, we also have a wealth of experience in this area. This resulted in several hundred TV reports and video reports. Both the topics and the locations were very diverse. The topics ranged from current news and information to cultural and sporting events, social events and much more. Our wealth of experience is so rich that we can produce TV reports and video reports for you on all sorts of topics.
Video production of interviews, round tables, discussion events, etc.

The use of several cameras is also useful for the video production of rounds of talks, interviews, discussion events, etc. For simple interviews with only one person, 2 cameras can be sufficient if the questioner is not to be shown in the picture. In any case, more than two cameras are required when it comes to video recording of interviews and conversations with several people. The extent to which remote-controlled cameras must be used depends on whether the event is attended by an audience. The time required can be reduced if the video recordings are conversations and interviews without an audience.
Editing of video and audio material

The video recording of events, concerts, interviews, etc. is understandably only one side of the coin. After video recording, video editing is the logical next step in video production. When cutting the video material, audio tracks and soundtracks are also viewed and adjusted. During editing, the video is completed with logos, blurbs and, if necessary, other video, image and text material. We also cut videos from their or material from other sources. If the soundtracks of a concert recording are to be remixed and mastered, you can supply them accordingly.
Small batch manufacture of CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs

evovi - Leipzig TV-, Medien-, Videoproduktion is also your partner for CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs in small quantities. When it comes to archiving audio, video and data, CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray Discs offer clear advantages. The shelf life of USB sticks, memory cards and hard drives is limited. Electronic components are the common cause of data loss from hard drives, USB sticks and memory cards. Blu-ray discs, DVDs and CDs do not have these. Blu-ray discs, DVDs and CDs for music and video are therefore the first choice as a souvenir, as a gift or for sale.

From the results of over 2 decades of video production
"Culture and art in Schulpforte: restorer Stephanie Exner and Rector Portensis Thomas Schödel in conversation about the monastery church of St. Mary and John the Baptist"

"Triumphal Cross and Grisaille Window: Portrait of the Cistercian Monastery Church in ... »
The history of piano manufacture in Zeitz: A detailed video interview with Friederike Böcher.

The history of piano manufacture in Zeitz: A video interview with Friederike Böcher, ... »
Expansion of the Lützen Museum for mass graves, Gustav Adolf memorial, funding and personal contribution, District Administrator Götz Urlich and Mayor of Lützen sign an agreement, in an interview with Katja Rosenbaum

District administrator Götz Urlich and the mayor of Lützen sign an agreement for the ... »
Energy transition and future: Discussion with Olaf Scholz and MIBRAG trainees in the Profen training center

TV report: Olaf Scholz discusses the energy transition and coal phase-out in the Burgenland ... »
Story on stage: Simple and Schwejk: TV report on the performance of Simple and Schwejk in the ballroom of Moritzburg Castle in Zeitz during the 21st Heinrich Schütz Music Festival in the Burgenland district. In an interview with the director of the festival, Dr. Christina Siegfried, is about the importance of plays that bring historical events to the stage and how the audience reacted to them.

Cultural highlight in the Burgenland district: Simple and Schwejk at the Heinrich ... »
Energy and raw material medley - Yann Song King - Opinions from the Burgenland district.

Energy and raw material medley - Yann Song King - A citizen of the Burgenland ... »
Weißenfels in European focus: TV report on Europe Talks in the Kulturhaus A report on the importance of Weißenfels in the European context at the Europe Talks in the Kulturhaus. interviews with dr Michael Schneider, Richard Kühnel and Robby Risch provide information about the political relevance.

Experience Europe up close: TV report on Europe Talks in the Weißenfels Culture ... »
Big names at the 17th Burgenlandkreis New Year's reception: Siegmar Gabriel and Sieghard Burggraf were welcomed and honored by District Administrator Götz Ulrich and Mario Kerner (Chairman of the Sparkasse Burgenlandkreis).

The Burgenland district's New Year's reception, organized by District ... »

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Revízia tejto stránky od Zhihui Abbas - 2024.12.27 - 15:41:39